Čerešničkou na torte bude náš ďalší špeciálny hosť – pani Coral George zo Španielska. Príprava druhého ročníka medzinárodnej Konferencie Jolly Phonics 2018 je tak v plnom prúde. Hlavný hosť, autorka p. Sara WERNHAM už balí kufre a chystá letenku na Slovensko. Sľúbili sme, že program bude mimoriadne atraktívny a motivačný a svoje sľuby naplníme. Ak sa náhodou pýtate, kto je to Coral, pozrite si video nižšie :-). Záznam je z jej poslednej návštevy na Slovensku v roku 2015, kedy bola pozvaná do TV Markíza odprezentovať učenie angličtiny Jolly Phonics.
Takto Vám môžeme Coral predstaviť textom:
Coral is a Jolly Learning, Phonics International and Floppy´s Phonics trainer; has world wide experience and has been trained by Sue Lloyd, Debbie Hepplewhite and Ruth Miskin in England.
Qualified as a teacher in Britain, started her career teaching in England followed by some time in Egyptbefore finally joining the Spanish Ministry of Education/British Council “Bilingual Project”.
After implementing Jolly Phonics, Coral achieved high standards of literacy, and has founded “Jolly Centres” in Spain, where children, parents and teachers enjoy her lively training.
Coral was providing synthetic phonics teacher-training, years before the UK government.
Recently has been invited by SM. –Spanish Publisher- to work collaboratively to develop a systematic synthetic phonics programme suitable for young learners “Power Phonics”.
Coral is a “Synthetic Phonics Ambassador” and works closely with Education Inspectors, Universities and Local Authorities; jointly with her team of trainers Coral delivers training all over the world. (http://coralgeorge.com/index.php/about-coral).